Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the fastest growing martial art in the world, known for its effectiveness when facing a bigger or stronger opponent on the ground.

Originally founded in Japan, Jiu-Jitsu eventually made its way into Brazil and then into the US - evolving and improving into the comprehensive pressure based attack system that we teach today. 

At MAFF, you will be taught in a group class setting and given the individual attention needed to stay safe and develop your own personal Jiu-Jitsu game.

Common Questions about our Jiu-Jitsu program:

Who will teach my classes?

Professor Justin Tevis is an American Wresting and Jiu-Jitsu champ with over 30 years of experience.  He oversees the BJJ program and teaches alongside Coach Seth Hopkins, another amazing martial artist.

What should I know before coming?

No experience is required in our are beginner- friendly classes. All trial classes are scheduled in advance.  We train barefoot and in uniform.

Am I in good enough shape?

Jiu-Jitsu is a great workout, but don’t worry!  We are not going to put you in a class that you cannot handle.  If you have concerns about taking class, we’re here to help.

When would I be training?

Once you’re signed up, you can come at any of the days located on our schedule. Monday and Wednesdays are the most beginner-friendly.  Classes run an hour long.

ProgramsAustin Curtis