Hapkido in Santa Barbara

Dynamic Circle Hapkido is more than just an amazing martial art for Teens and Adults. It is a self defense based, character driven, leadership program that’ll change your life.

Hapkido is a Korean Martial Art that combines the hand and foot techniques of Taekwondo with the circular flowing movements of Aikido. You will learn how to redirect an opponent’s energy to defend yourself against attacks of all kinds, as well as how to fall properly without injury.

However, all of this is nothing compared to what you will learn about yourself on your journey to Black Belt.  Discover what it feels like to be the best version of yourself. Come, join the MAFF family!

Common questions about the Hapkido Program

Who will teach my classes?

Grandmaster Dave Wheaton, 9th Dan Black Belt, has trained many certified Black Belt Instructors since MAFF opened its doors in 2002.  Your teacher will vary depending on the days and times that you regularly train.

What should I know before coming?

No experience is required.  All trial classes are scheduled in advance.  We train in uniform and barefoot.

What if I am unable to ____?

Everybody has different abilities, and we understand that certain movements can be difficult for some. In such cases we will help you safely modify the techniques and work within your limits.

When would I be training?

Check our schedule page to see a full schedule. Classes are either 45 min or 1 hour long.

ProgramsAustin Curtis